This is a powerful piece, thanks for sharing this. It's always crucial to keep in the front of our minds, when watching films like these, the absolute horror and tragedy caused by people like Oppenheimer. I appreciate this convicting perspective you shared.

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because Japan totally is Scott free of any wrongdoing

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Didn't think I needed to cry today. Guess I was wrong about that.

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Thank you.

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Thanks for saying so Scott. Such a needed reminder and a reminder we're still not telling all the right stories.

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This paper is deliberately participating in history revisionism. Japan being nuked wasn’t a symptom of the so called pursuit of “white excellence” or what ever goofy buzzword you use. It was a symptom of japans aggressive and genocide fueled conquest of any country any culture they viewed as inferior to their own. The blatant revisionism I’m seeing here is that Japan was the victim of so called American imperialism and thus they atomic bomb and in extension all other reasons as to why and how such a devastating weapon was used in Japan should be ignored. I’ve seen many arguments used by other imperial Japanese revisionists like how Japan had to expand to protect its self or that the Japanese high command was going to surrender anyway (no they weren’t the militarist factions wanted to keep it going as long as possible, one of the IJA commanders even denied that a bomb had been dropped at all on japan which will lead me into one of my later points, japan was aware of and planned to create fusion based weapons prior to 1939 along with other WMDs) all these arguments ignore A.Japanese motivations in the Sino and Indo Pacific regions to expand and seize resources from other islands and China to build up an army to resist America whom they planned to attack since WW1 and B.The Japanese viewed their conquest as a noble cause a birth right to subjugate inferior cultures. Instead revisionists seek to create a narrative where Japan’s expansion was justified under the guise of self defense against European and American expansion into the Pacific. A revisionism that follows many of the Lost Cause myth that American Southerners use to justify slavery and their rebellion against the North that A. States have the right to secede from the union and B.the union attempted to destroy what the south viewed as a acceptable system. Much like the Japanese revisionist they ignore the motivations behind those major actors and in result certain thing happened. Japan was not the innocent party in WW2 they where actively engaged in aggressive and genocide fueled wars mainly against China for whom which the butchered MILLIONS of civilians and deployed WMDs against them mainly chemical and biological weapons. Japan wasn’t also the innocent victim of some unknown space age weapon in fact they knew of the potential of nuclear fusion for war and where also aware of the Enrico Fermi’s test involving nuclear fusion in America, hence from which to 1941-1945 japan launched committees funded and lead by the IJA and IJN to investigate the possibility of nuclear fusion weapons leading to the birth of the F-Go and Ni-Go projects in subsequent months. The Ni-Go project outlining its objectives to create Uranium 235 and F-go a year later attempting the same thing with a different approach to refining uranium to weapons grade.

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Yikes, this word salad is practically impossible to read. Ever heard of paragraph breaks?

I don't think Scott (or any critic of American use of the atomic bomb) is arguing that Japan was an "innocent victim" of the bomb. But over 200,000 civilians died in those two bombings. Those are not justifiable deaths. And while I might argue that this kind of show of force is wholly unnecessary under any circumstance, it's become clear that the even the use of the first bomb was unnecessary in this circumstance as even then-General Eisenhower said that “the Japanese were ready to surrender, and it wasn’t necessary to hit them with that awful thing.”

And if killing the first 140,000 civilians was unnecessary according to Eisenhower, killing a further 80,000 civilians was unjustifiable, even if the Japanese military wasn't prepared to surrender.

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